Sunday, May 27, 2007

LOS Customers April 2007

Active Status is based on "activity".  Activity can be a login, product purchased, or product received associated with the Client's ID#. = Active Customers noted as Inactive are removed from your list and from the Quixtar system a few days after their expiration date. = Inactive
Customers Country
Name Email Expiration Date
00101843123 USA
Butler, Evelyn
00102100660 USA
Cha, James 6/30/2008
00102039784 USA
Davis, Pamela 6/30/2008
00101813861 USA
Egerter, John
00101957852 USA
Goldman, Mike
00101850534 USA
Haas, Pam
00102060944 USA
Henderson, Jasmine 5/31/2008
00101924807 USA
Janis, Kevin
00102044749 USA
Matte, Shriley 6/30/2008
00101913057 USA
Mc Donald, Sean 6/30/2008
00101668090 USA
Skillen, Jim 1/31/2008
00101855306 USA
Ucci, Vince
00102054877 USA
Velo, Luis 5/31/2008
00102097298 USA
Vogel, Mark 6/30/2008
00101924863 USA
Walter, Michael
00101901095 USA
Weiss, Jane

IBO LOS for April 2007


Name E-Mail
00002028256 (Upline) Lebaron, William & Jan
00002096695 (Sponsor) Mccarthy, Michael & Marlene
001 00002746516 Weiss, Carey & Jane
002 00001990538 Weiss, Neil S & June A
002 00003071985 Huntsinger, Daniel
002 00003898582 Golenischew, Michele F. &...
002 00004734075 Verdigi, Joseph
003 00004766082 Campora, Thomas
004 00004808722 Alcantara, John
002 00004805959 Weiss, Christopher
003 00004898461 Adamo, Nicholas
002 00005030908 Greiner, Don & Elizabeth
002 00005060921 Ghilino, Ronald

PV for April 2007

Estimates for WEISS, CAREY & JANE, IBO # 2746516, for April 2007 as of 5/27/2007 7:07 PM

Estimated Personal Totals PV BV Estimated Totals
Personal 443.98 989.19 % Bonus Level 9 %
# Qualified Legs 0
Estimated Group Totals PV BV Customer Info Auto Self Total
Personal Group 0.00 0.00 # Customer Orders 6 0 6
Silver 888.10 2116.47 Customer PV 243.23 0.00 243.23
Ruby/Q12 888.10 2116.47 Customer Cost 739.10 0.00 739.10
Platinum Passup 0.00 0.00
Awarded 888.10

Downline Personal PV/BV (click a name for detail)

Name CVR IBO# Personal PV Personal BV Awarded PV Bonus %
Ghilino, Ronald
M 5060921 20.83 25.00 20.83 0
Golenischew, Michele F. & Dave
M 3898582 42.18 122.40 42.18 0
Greiner, Don & Elizabeth
M 5030908 57.50 166.65 57.50 0
Verdigi, Joseph
M 4734075 3.33 8.00 3.33 0
Weiss, Christopher
M 4805959 9.53 26.06 9.53 0
Weiss, Neil S & June A
M 1990538 310.75 779.17 310.75 6
Total IBOs Flagged = 0
M indicates IBO has not met the customer volume requirement (applies to IBOs with downline volume)

Personal PV/BV (for WEISS, CAREY & JANE, IBO# 2746516)

Transaction not included in PV/BV total

Invoice No Description Ordering ID# Date CVR PV BV Account +/-
5524727 MCVR TRANSACTION DATA 2746516 05/02/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334605155 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/29/2007
11.39 27.33 $0.00
1334582595 Gift/Incentive Redemption 2746516 04/27/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334544202 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/25/2007
48.19 139.81 $0.00
1334464912 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/20/2007 Auto 27.76 33.32 $0.00
1334461565 Gift/Incentive Redemption 102039784 04/20/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334461535 Gift/Incentive Redemption 102039784 04/20/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334461507 Gift/Incentive Redemption 102039784 04/20/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334417399 B/O Pymt Required Del. 2746516 04/18/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334373789 B/O Pymt Required Del. 2746516 04/16/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334372068 A/O Pymt Required Del. 2746516 04/16/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334352824 Gift/Incentive Redemption 101924807 04/15/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334349966 Ditto Delivery 2746516 04/15/2007
48.35 140.31 $0.00
1334346021 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/14/2007 Auto 10.00 29.05 $0.00
1334345465 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/14/2007 Auto 46.40 134.55 $0.00
1334305669 Quixtar Web Delivery 2746516 04/12/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
1334304661 Ditto Delivery 2746516 04/12/2007
89.29 250.98 $0.00
1334294676 Quixtar Web Delivery 101913057 04/11/2007 Auto 41.65 50.00 $0.00
151745240 IBOCS - IBO 2746516 04/11/2007
3.33 8.00 $0.00
1334249699 Gift/Incentive Redemption 101913057 04/09/2007
0.00 0.00 $0.00
151699075 MCI USAGE - IBO 2746516 04/08/2007
0.20 0.48 $0.00
1334200142 Quixtar Web Delivery 102044749 04/05/2007 Auto 20.23 58.71 $9.72
1334109997 Quixtar Web Delivery 102039784 04/01/2007 Auto 97.19 116.65 $0.00

2020 Challenges

Last week Chris and I both did 2 20/20 double x challenges

Major Changes to the Biz

Well, there are some major changes going on in the biz. They are really focusing on the xs and double x challenge right now, and they are beginning to teach us to lead with products, and get Customers initially so we can be more profitable. They are talking about "First Circle". The goal is to get 500 or even 1000 personal points in your first circle, and then be able to teach others to do the same.

One of the major changes that has happened is the introduction of the XS Syrup. I have been starting to market it to Bars and Health Clubs. I have also had a meeting with Keith McDougal, who is the Athletic Director at Ridgefield Memorial High School. I showed him the xs energy drinks, and the syrup, along with the double x. I showed him the Asafa powell video as well.

He is very interested, and he said that he is also going to talk to other people he knows in the sports industry. I'm following through with him on Thursday. I am really excited about the syrup and the bars, as I feel that this is a new and untapped (no pun, we maybe a little, intended).