Well, there are some major changes going on in the biz. They are really focusing on the xs and double x challenge right now, and they are beginning to teach us to lead with products, and get Customers initially so we can be more profitable. They are talking about "First Circle". The goal is to get 500 or even 1000 personal points in your first circle, and then be able to teach others to do the same.
One of the major changes that has happened is the introduction of the XS Syrup. I have been starting to market it to Bars and Health Clubs. I have also had a meeting with Keith McDougal, who is the Athletic Director at Ridgefield Memorial High School. I showed him the xs energy drinks, and the syrup, along with the double x. I showed him the Asafa powell video as well.
He is very interested, and he said that he is also going to talk to other people he knows in the sports industry. I'm following through with him on Thursday. I am really excited about the syrup and the bars, as I feel that this is a new and untapped (no pun, we maybe a little, intended).