Sunday, May 25, 2008

Power player goal

I just send bill and email telling him that my goal is to be the first in Rick and Nick's organization to be a power player.

Why is this important to me? Well, I guess, I always like to be the best. also I like the attention that it will bring to me, and show that I am serious.

I also understand that when I have achieved Power player, my business will be growing. Why is this important to me? Well, I will start to get more money, which will help get rid of the stress in my life. I also don't want to be dependent on Portside's income, because as seen in the past few months, there can be times when I can't get paid, and I don't want to have that worry.

Power player goal

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

So last night, I brought...

So last night, I brought Alexis Valencia to Rick's open meeting. He seemed interested and again right now he's just looking at doing the gift and center program but he asked for tickets for the June 21st business conference, so I thought that was interesting. But anyway, we'll see what happens. I think he's also opening his mind to selling other products to restaurants and other businesses. So, whatever he does to make points, that's good for me.

I am working on redoing my goals for Omar Deriu and you know, hopefully that makes a big difference for us. And that's about it. listen

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Monday, May 19, 2008

Well, getting out on...

Well, getting out on the street again, building the business. Just showed a plan in Queens to a woman named Monifa. She's pretty excited about it, not sure how I feel. I've been down the road before, but I don't wanna stereotype anybody. She's excited, she's got some good goals and dreams. She has a 1 year old son, 9 year old daughter, and is pregnant with another baby coming in a month. So, just trying to stay very, very positive, listening to a lot of good motivational, positive audios, and really working hard on setting some firm and big goals. So we'll see what happens. listen

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Friday, May 09, 2008

I am going to Buffalo[?]...

I am going to Buffalo[?] today for summer conference and excite about next week. I sponsored Alexis Valencia and have a meeting with him on Monday night, do make phone calls Thursday night, we will show the plan and then next Tuesday Rick has an open meeting and Alexis is coming and hopefully some prospects as well. So, let's see what happens, hopefully he is the one person that I need to get the group started again. listen

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Thursday, May 08, 2008

Testing. At now to Buffalo...

Testing. At now to Buffalo tomorrow for summer conference. listen

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